Cardio Kickboxing Workout For Beginners-Boxing Gym

Cardio kickboxing is a high-impact aerobic workout combining martial arts techniques and fast-paced cardio. It usually involves punches, kicks, and other martial arts. Cardio kickboxing is the best exercise for your self-defense. If you are interested in a cardio kickboxing workout, this is best for your fitness and body health.

Cardio Kickboxing Workout For Beginners 

You can customize cardio kickboxing workouts to fit your fitness level. Beginners can start by learning the basics and slowly increasing their strength as they become better with the movements. In addition, experienced kickboxers can challenge themselves by increasing the speed and intensity of their workouts. This workout is designed to increase cardiovascular stamina, burn calories, and improve overall fitness.

What Is Boxing Gym?

A boxing gym is a fitness facility that specializes in training individuals in the sport of boxing. These gyms provide equipment such as heavy bags, gloves, and trainers to help individuals improve their technique and overall boxing skills. Many boxing gyms also offer group classes and sparring opportunities for all levels of athletes.

Cardio Kickboxing Workout For Beginners 

Cardio kickboxing is an excellent workout for beginners who want to get fit while having fun. This high-energy workout combines martial arts techniques with cardio exercises to help you burn calories and tone your muscles.

Some cardio kickboxing workouts at home

  • Warm-up
  • Shadowboxing
  •  sidekick
  • Punching combos
  • Cool-down

1. Warm-up

Start with a five-minute warm-up to get your heart rate up and loosen up your muscles. Jog in place, do jumping jacks, or march in place.

Round -1 Jab, cross, hook, uppercut. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, fists up. Jab with your left hand, then cross with your right hand. Hook with your left hand and finish with an uppercut using your right hand. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Round -2 Front kick, roundhouse kick. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, fists up. Lift your right knee and kick your foot out in front of you. Return your foot to the floor, pivot on your left foot, and kick your right foot out to the side. Repeat for 30 seconds on one side and then switch to the other side.

Round -3 Jumping jacks, burpees. Do jumping jacks for 15 seconds, then do burpees for 15 seconds. Repeat for one minute.

Round -4 Knee strikes. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, fists up. Bring your right knee up as high as you can and then bring it down as you punch with your left hand. Repeat with your left knee and right hand. Continue for 30 seconds.

2. Shadowboxing

Shadowboxing is a great way to improve your striking technique, build endurance, and increase overall fitness. To start, warm up with some light cardio or dynamic stretching to get your heart rate up and loosen up your muscles.

Then, begin shadowboxing by throwing a series of punches, kicks, and combinations without a partner or bag. Focus on proper form and technique, keeping your guard up, and moving around as if you were in a real fight.

Incorporate footwork and head movement to create angles and avoid imaginary punches. You can also add shadowboxing intervals, where you perform a set number of punches or combinations for a set amount of time, rest, and then repeat for several sets.

To increase the intensity of your shadowboxing workout, you can add weights or resistance bands. However, it’s important to use proper form and avoid overexerting yourself to prevent injury.

By consistently incorporating shadowboxing into your workout routine, you can improve your striking skills, increase endurance, and enhance your overall fitness.

 3. Sidekick

A sidekick workout is an excellent way to develop the power and precision of your kicks while improving your overall fitness. Start by warming up with some light cardio or dynamic stretching to get your heart rate up and loosen up your muscles.

To perform a sidekick workout, choose a target to kick, such as a punching bag or focus pads. Begin by executing a series of sidekicks with your dominant leg, focusing on proper form and technique. You can also incorporate variations such as turning kicks, spinning back kicks, and jumping side kicks to challenge yourself and improve your kicking skills.

To increase the intensity of your workout, you can perform sidekick intervals, where you perform a set number of kicks on one side, rest for a short period, and then switch to the other side. You can also add resistance by wearing ankle weights or holding a medicine ball while performing your kicks.

It’s essential to pay attention to your body and avoid overexerting yourself, especially if you’re a beginner. Take breaks when needed and always listen to your body. With consistent practice and dedication, a sidekick workout can help you develop the power and precision of your kicks, improve your overall fitness, and enhance your martial arts skills.

4. Punching combos

A punching combo workout is an excellent way to improve your striking skills and conditioning. To start, warm up with some shadowboxing or light cardio to get your heart rate up and loosen up your muscles. Then, choose a combination of punches to focus on and perform them in rapid succession for a set amount of time or a number of repetitions.

For example, you could perform a jab-cross-hook combo for 30 seconds, rest for 15 seconds, and then repeat for several sets. As you become more comfortable with the combo, you can add variations such as adding uppercuts, slipping or weaving to avoid imaginary punches, or adding footwork to create angles.

Incorporating punching combos into your workout routine can also help improve your overall fitness, as it is an intense cardio workout that engages your entire body. It also helps to improve hand-eye coordination, reaction time, and balance. It’s important to use proper form and technique when performing punching combos to avoid injury and ensure maximum effectiveness.

5. Cool-down

End your workout with a five-minute cool-down to bring your heart rate back down and stretch your muscles. Walk in place, do some gentle stretches, and take a few deep breaths.


A cardio kickboxing workout is an excellent way to get great exercise in your home. It is a great way to do your all muscles and full body exercise. Cardio kickboxing is the best exercise for your self-defense. This does not only make you fit rather it is very beneficial for your self-defense. Especially for women, because most in popularity consider women to be weak. They think that women could not her self defend themselves. Therefore this workout is very beneficial for her. With this high-energy workout, you can burn up to 500 calories in one session. You don’t have to go to the gym for a great cardio kickboxing workout. At home, you can get a great cardio kickboxing workout.

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Ques -1 What are 5 benefits of kickboxing?

  • Support weight loss goals.
  • Increase muscle tone and strength.
  • Reduce stress and improve mood.
  • Improve coordination and balance.
  • Kickboxing can improve cardiovascular health.

Ques -2 What are the disadvantages of kickboxing?

While kickboxing can be a great workout, it does come with potential disadvantages. These include the risk of injury, especially to the knees, hips, and lower back, as well as the potential for overtraining and burnout. Additionally, some people may find the high intensity of kickboxing to be too challenging or overwhelming.

Ques -3 Is kickboxing good for losing belly fat?

Yes, kickboxing can be a good exercise to help reduce belly fat as it engages the entire body and can burn a high number of calories. However, combining kickboxing with a healthy diet and consistent exercise routine is crucial for optimal results.

Ques -4 Is cardio kickboxing good for weight loss?

Yes, cardio kickboxing is an effective workout for weight loss as it can burn a significant amount of calories in a short amount of time. It can also help build lean muscle mass, which can further support weight loss goals.

Ques -5 Is cardio kickboxing a good workout?

Yes, cardio kickboxing is an excellent workout that can help improve cardiovascular endurance, coordination, and overall fitness. It’s also a fun and challenging way to burn calories and release stress.

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