How to do an Incline Push Up: Muscles Worked and Benefits

Looking to enhance your upper body strength and engage important muscles like your chest, shoulders, and triceps? Look no further than the incline push up. This fantastic exercise is a game-changer for your fitness routine.

By using a sturdy elevated surface and maintaining proper form, you can perform it with ease. Incline push-ups provide a challenging and effective way to build muscle, improve stability, and boost your overall strength.

Whether you’re a beginner or a fitness enthusiast, it is a versatile exercise that can take your workouts to new heights. Get ready to push your limits and achieve a stronger, more defined upper body.

incline push up

How to do an Incline Push Up?

An incline push-up is a fantastic exercise to build upper body strength and engage your chest, shoulders, and triceps. To perform an incline push-up, find a sturdy elevated surface like a bench or step.

Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart on the surface, keeping your body in a straight line from head to toe. Lower your chest towards the surface, bending your elbows, and then push back up to the starting position.

Remember to maintain proper form and engage your core throughout the movement.

Decline Vs Incline Push Up

Decline push-ups target your upper chest and shoulders, while incline push-ups focus on your lower chest and triceps. Both variations offer unique challenges and benefits, so mix them up to achieve a well-rounded upper-body workout

Decline Push Up

The decline push-up is a powerful exercise that specifically targets the upper chest, shoulders, and triceps. By changing the angle and positioning of your body, this variation intensifies the challenge and provides unique benefits. Let’s delve into the method and advantages of decline push-ups!


To perform a decline push-up, position your feet on an elevated surface, such as a bench or step, and place your hands on the ground slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. With your body in a straight line, lower your chest towards the ground by bending your elbows, maintaining control throughout the movement.

Push back up to the starting position, engaging your upper body muscles. Repeat for the desired number of reps, focusing on proper form and technique.


Decline push-ups offer numerous advantages. Firstly, they target the upper chest muscles, helping to develop a well-rounded and defined chest. Additionally, they engage the shoulders and triceps, promoting overall upper-body strength. This variation also enhances core stability as you maintain balance on the elevated surface.

Furthermore, declined push-ups provide a challenging stimulus for advanced individuals looking to progress their workout routine. By incorporating decline push-ups, you can effectively sculpt and strengthen your upper body, achieving a more balanced and impressive physique.

Incline Push Up

Incline push-ups are a dynamic and effective exercise that targets the upper body muscles, including the chest, shoulders, and triceps. They are a fantastic variation for individuals who are new to strength training or those seeking a modification to traditional push-ups.


To perform an incline push-up, locate a sturdy elevated surface like a bench or step. Position yourself facing the surface and place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Maintain a straight line from your head to your toes, engaging your core muscles.

Lower your chest towards the surface by bending your elbows, and then push back up to the starting position, ensuring controlled movements throughout. Repeat for a desired number of repetitions.


It offers several benefits. Firstly, they are a fantastic way to build upper body strength, particularly in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Additionally, they help improve shoulder stability and enhance core activation. As a modified version of the traditional push-up, it reduces the stress on the wrists and lower back, making them accessible for individuals with limitations or beginners.

This exercise also aids in improving overall muscular endurance and can be a stepping stone toward performing standard push-ups. Incorporating incline push-ups into your workout routine will help you achieve a stronger and more defined upper body while minimizing the risk of injury.

incline push up

Incline Push Ups Muscles Worked

It is a versatile exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, making them an excellent choice for building upper body strength and stability. By adjusting the angle and level of difficulty, this variation engages specific muscles and offers unique benefits. Let’s explore the muscles worked and the advantages of incline push-ups!

Muscles Worked:

Chest: Incline push-ups primarily targets the pectoralis major, the large muscle group in the chest. This exercise effectively stimulates and strengthens the upper and middle portions of the chest, contributing to a more sculpted and defined appearance.

Shoulders: The deltoid muscles, located in the shoulders, are actively engaged during incline push-ups. They assist in stabilizing and controlling the movement, contributing to better shoulder strength and stability.

Triceps: It provides a challenging workout for the triceps, and the muscles on the back of the upper arms. These muscles play a crucial role in extending the elbow and are effectively targeted during the pushing motion of incline push-ups.

Core: It engages the core muscles, including the rectus abdominals, oblique, and transverse abdominals. These muscles work to stabilize the spine and maintain a straight body alignment throughout the exercise. A strong core is essential for overall strength, posture, and balance.

Biceps: Although not the primary focus, incline push-ups also activate the biceps muscles in the front of the upper arm. They assist in elbow flexion during the pushing motion, providing an additional workout for the arms.


Incline push-ups offer several benefits. Firstly, they help build upper body strength, promoting muscle growth and toning. Secondly, they enhance shoulder stability, leading to improved posture and reduced risk of injuries. Lastly, it can be tailored to different fitness levels, making them suitable for beginners and individuals with limitations or injuries.

By incorporating incline push-ups into your exercise routine, you can effectively target and strengthen the chest, shoulders, and triceps, achieving a well-rounded and stronger upper body.

incline push up

Incline Push Ups Benefits

Incline push-ups offer numerous benefits for your upper body strength and fitness. Some best benefits of this variation are:

  • Builds upper body strength and muscle definition, targeting the chest, shoulders, and triceps effectively.
  • Increases shoulder stability, improving posture and reducing the risk of shoulder injuries.
  • Engages the core muscles, enhancing overall core strength and stability.
  • Provides a challenging workout for the lower chest, contributing to a well-rounded chest development.
  • Helps tone and sculpt the upper body, creating a more aesthetically pleasing physique.
  • Offers versatility for all fitness levels, making it suitable for beginners and advanced individuals.
  • Can be easily modified by adjusting the incline level to customize the intensity of the exercise.
  • Enhances overall upper body endurance and stamina.
  • Requires minimal equipment, making it a convenient exercise that can be done anywhere.
  • Helps improve functional strength, benefiting daily activities and sports performance.


Incline push up is an incredible exercises that can transform your upper body strength and fitness. By consistently incorporating this exercise into your workout routine, you’ll witness remarkable results. Feel the burn in your chest, shoulders, and arms as you build lean muscle and improve your overall stability. It offers a versatile and accessible way to challenge yourself and push your limits. So, embrace the power of incline push-ups and watch as your strength and confidence soar. Remember, consistency is key, so keep pushing, keep striving, and keep reaping the rewards of this fantastic exercise.

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Ques -1 How many sets of incline push-ups?

The number of sets for incline push-ups can vary depending on your fitness level and goals. Generally, it is recommended to start with 2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions. As you progress, you can increase the number of sets or reps to challenge yourself further.

Ques -2 How many calories does 100 incline push-ups burn?

The number of calories burned during 100 incline push-ups can vary depending on factors such as body weight and intensity. On average, you can expect to burn approximately 20-30 calories performing 100 incline push-ups.

Ques -3 What happens if you do 100 incline push-ups everyday?

If you do 100 incline push-ups every day, you will gradually build strength and muscle endurance in your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Consistency is key for progress, but listen to your body and avoid overtraining.

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