Do you want to get those appealing tricep muscles and powerful upper body pull? You should try tricep kickbacks to perhaps be the solution that you have been searching for!

How to Do Tricep Kickbacks, Tricep Kickback With Dumbbells and Cables

Therefore, performing a tricep kickbacks increases the possibility of having a better fitness level, tone muscles in the upper part of the arms and impart efficiency in lifting chores. 

 In the following article, you will learn all about tricep kickbacks, from the correct technique on how to do the exercise properly, then to what muscles get targeted when doing the exercise. Some exercises can be done with dumbbells or cables so if you have those grab them, otherwise let’s begin!

Tricep Kickbacks Exercise Guide: How to do Tricep Kickbacks? 

 However there is one aspect that is crucial for attaining results in any form of exercise and it relates to the form and manner in which the exercise is to be done. If he does not go through the right steps in order to perform an exercise or tricepkickbacks then he may end up getting an injury which is not correct. 

 Here are some steps by experienced trainers to perform properly tricep kickbacks :Here are some steps by experienced trainers to perform properly tricep kickbacks

  •  Start with your feet solidly placed and hip width apart and take a dumbbell in your right hand. 
  •  You should then bend your knees slightly, and tilt your upper body forward at the hips region ensuring you bend from the waist rather than the back.  
  •  Swing your right elbow out to the side of your body raising your forearm parallel to the floor. 
  •  Put your arm out up to the line with the shoulder and behind you, make sure the elbow is straight. 
  •  Take a second of pause before coming back to the original position. 
  •  Perform the same thing on the other arm.  

 That is why, using the proper form and learning variations and modifications it is possible to have a great result and that is the reason why people like to do it. This article also provides information on how to go about exercising this muscles through tricep kickbacks. As seen, the tricep kickbacks are as effective as any other fitness routine you can undertake and therefore, with time and dedication, you shall achieve your goal. Therefore, why don’t you try them out and check out how it feels like to train! 

 Tricep Kickback Muscles Worked 

 The tricep kickback is one of the best exercises that will help you to build the required muscle mass of the tricep. It particularly targets the three heads of the triceps that are the lateral head, medial head and the long head. 

 These are the muscles that help stabilize the shoulder and the elbow joints and assist in all the push movements including bench-press and the push-ups. 

 Exercising with the Tricep Kickbacks can go a long way into developing your upper body muscles especially triceps leading to toned muscles.

Tricep Kickbacks – What It Is and Some Advantages 

 Below are the breakdown of five benefits that you will derive by performing tricep kickbacks in the following list.

 Improves overall upper body strength: 

Tricep kick backs in particular target not only the triceps but also the shoulders, chest and the upper back thus helping to build upper body strength.

 Enhances athletic performance:

 This muscle group especially comes in handy with upper body’s sporting activities like basketball, tennis, boxing and swimming among others. It can also be used to enhance your athletic performance by incorporating the said exercise in your routine while decreasing the possibility of incurring tricep injuries. 

 Increases muscle definition: 

Muscling up triceps through tricep kickbacks can assist you get maximally chiseled arms since this exercise aids in the definition of your tricep muscles. 

 Can be done anywhere: 

Tricep kickbacks are also easy to perform when you are on travel or at home since they only need a dumbbell and some space.

 Improves posture:

 The correct contraction of triceps muscles also contributes to supporting the shoulder area and upper region hence preventing formation of hunches or slouch. 

 Incorporating tricep kickbacks to your training program will help you gain the above benefits and other related bonuses to your training goals.

How to Do Tricep Kickbacks, Tricep Kickback With Dumbbells and Cables

Kickback With Dumbbells and Cables 

 It is apparent that Tricep kickbacks can be done with dumbbells as well as cables. Below is the tip on how to do this exercise using both Dumbbells and Cables. 

 Using Dumbbells: 

  •  Start with the feet approximately one feet apart from each other, and take a dumbbell in each hand. 
  •  Bend your knees a little and, engaging your muscles in your hips, go slightly forward as if bending over.
  •  Bend your upper arms with the elbows resting on the upper part of the cartilage at 90 degrees from the ground. 
  •  Move your arms backward vertically with your elbows locked and contracted triceps muscles. 
  •  Now halt, and then slowly bring them back to the original position of the exercise.

 Using Cables: 

 Take a cable handle and fix the other end on a low pulley, while positioning your back towards the equipment. 

  •  Take the handle with one hand, palm down. 
  •  Start by slightly bending one’s knees and at the same time leaning forward in the area between the hips and the waist. 
  •  Ensure that your upper arm is horizontal, that is parallel to the ground and your elbow should always be at a right angle. 
  •  Draw back your arm as far as possible, make sure your elbow is straight to engage your triceps muscles. 
  •  Then raise it up, then stop, and gently lower the handle down to the initial positions. 
  •  It would also be interesting to add the tricep kickbacks with dumbbells and cables to your exercise programme. They assist in putting force and pressure on the triceps muscles and thus assist you to have well built and well developed arms muscles. 

 How to do Tricep Kickbacks – Pro Tips 

  •  More effectively for doing tricep kickbacks some pro tips to make it more resulting. 
  •  It is important to maintain the proper spine position while performing this lift, especially to prevent any injury, your back should be straight and your stomach muscles contracted the whole time. 
  •  Do not use your arm or body motions to swing the weight up in the air to get it over the barbell.  
  •  Choose a weight that you can lift but not one which you easily lift without straining on your form.  
  •  Concentrate timing in protracting the muscles of the tricep at the peak of the exercise’s range of motion. 
  •  Exhale as you pull your arm back and inhale as you go back to the starting position.  
  •  This exercise should be done in 3 sets of 10-12 reps using the same arm but the weight should be increased from time to time depending on the level of strength. 


 Tricep kickbacks is one of the best exercises that work on triceps and it offers a number of advantages such as increased strength, stamina, as well as shaping the muscles of the upper extremity. In fact, with dumbbells or cables this can be easily added into your current personal fitness program. 

 By following the right procedure as well as doing the right variations, then the muscles will be challenged and you will be able to meet your fitness goals. Therefore, the next time you feel like you want to feel the pump and work out your triceps, try performing tricep kickbacks and feel the magic of the exercise.

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 Executive summaries: a brief set of frequently asked questions (FAQ) on a given topic in order to directly answer commonly asked questions about the matter in question in a concise manner. 

 Ques -1 is it beneficial to take kickbacks on the triceps? 

 It is beneficial in fact tricep kickbacks are a very good exercise to carry out to help build arms especially the triceps brachii muscle. 

Ques -2 How to perform tricep kickback? 

 Take a barbell or cable using an overhand grip, bend at the waist and take your arm back. This suggests that one should try and maintain the position of the elbow to be fixed and try to contract the tricep as much as possible. 

 Ques -3 What style of cardio is tricep kickback? 

 As the name suggests the tricep kickbacks primarily involve the tricep muscles, more specifically the lateral and medial heads. 

 Ques -4 Does tricep kickback target all the heads? 

 Majority of tricep kickbacks hit the lateral and medial triceps heads but to increase the performance of the long head, one can use other Tricep exercises such as the overhead tricep extension and the close-grip bench press.

By Admin

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